Donkey Kong Country - Bramble Blast - Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Digitally Painted

Just bought my second pen tablet last month, well actually I lost one back then, but never mind that. I've been excited using my Wacom Intuos since past few weeks, and at last I could doodling some drawings, this's my first try using it since back then, I still had a lot to learn about this especially for my hand movement still very bad, using pen pressure would be more difficult than I thought it would be...

I'm very fond of Digital painting, I've seen a lot of other's work and begin to learn since then ....

 Actually, I'm so suck in doing human figures, and you know how I hate figures LoL, anyway, I'll keep sharing to you guys later, enjoy^^ ~~
Arch Angelring