Donkey Kong Country - Bramble Blast - Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Going Black and White

I tried experimenting with my Intuos4, and today I tried to practice render and detail for the drawing itself in Black and White, It's fun though...

It took very long time to manage got the tone, I still had a lot of practice here, next time I'm gonna do color render if I already used to this pen tablet...

This is a Digimon, Digital monster, yeah fantasy stuff... I used to watch this TV show a lot, It's my favorite, Fantasy Creature and stuff. 

So Basically GeoGreymon here is one of the species of Dragon type Digimon, it has thick skull with spikes, Sharp claw grip and well-built body as its weapon when in combat, it has an aggressive personality and a eagle-eye with a maximum reflex. 
